by Doug Shampine | Jan 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
My Lake Fork fishing report for the last week of Jan is starting to show signs of spring. Yesterday the surface temperature was 45 and the upper ends of the lake slightly stained while the mid lake and lower end clear. For you bass fishermen I threw only a black/blue...
by Doug Shampine | Jan 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Now that we are past the holidays fisherman are starting to think spring fishing on Lake Fork. Check out my weekly Lake Fork fishing report for the latest on what is going on with the bass and crappie. I know as we get closer to March (first big tournament on Lake...
by Doug Shampine | Jan 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
The holidays are now behind us and our focus will now be getting winter over with and setting up our bass and crappie fishing trips. Lake Fork is the place to do both and if you never have been here you will love it when you get here. We have some outstanding bass and...