Many Lake Fork guides to pick from if you get on the internet and look at the many pages of listing!! What you don’t know is there are many part time guides listed who just are looking to a trip to pay a boat payment and not really interested if you have a great fishing trip or not. So how do you tell the difference from one of the many part time Lake Fork guides or full time Lake Fork guides? Look at the web site and see how long have they been guiding and see if they list themselves as a full time guide. The big key is when you talk to one of the guides, ask how many group trips do they help with a year. The part time Lake Fork Fishing guides are asked to help with a lot of group trips that take place on Lake Fork. The full time regulars do not help with very many trips as they are normally booked up and would rather take their own customers. Also one question to ask one of the guides you are thinking to hire, if I book you will I be fishing with you? Every year some of the full time guides will pawn you off to a part time guide and you will not know it till you fish. The full timers will over book and you pay the price. So ask many questions because as you already know you can say any thing on a web site. I furnish everything for your trip no hidden fees or tackle fees!! I will not ask you to buy baits you probably will not use on your trip!! I want you to have such a great time you will rebook with me the next year!! That is my goal is to have you back as a customer!! So give me a call and lets discuss a date for your trip to Lake Fork! #lakeforkguides #lakeforkfishingguides #lakeforktrophybass #lakeforkcrappiefishingguides #lakeforkcrappieguides